An Introduction

By Ayushi Srivastava

Ayushi Srivastava
1 min readMay 25, 2021

My name is Ayushi Srivastava, a current student in the UC Berkeley Summer Journalism program; I am incredibly intrigued by the art of photography and hope to use the skills I gain from this class in interdiscplinary ways (especially in my fields of study: biology and business). Photography is sprinkled in various aspects of my life, some of which I have portrayed below.

This photo is of myself and my pup, Tofu. We are being our adventurous selves at Pfieffer Beach in Big Sur, California in March of 2021. I am pretending to knock down the structure built from sticks that Tofu collected, as Tofu looks annoyed by my energy. Despite what the picture proclaims, Tofu and I deeply enjoy exploring the great outdoors with family, breathing in fresh air, and taking long, long… long walks.
As our dogs would love to say if they could talk, “Less Zoom, More Zoomies.”

This picture, captured by me (Ayushi Srivastava) on 13 March, 2021, shows Tofu Srivastava, 2, of Union City Calif. and Arnold, 3, of Carmel Calif., enjoying the vast Carmel Beach space together. As personal caretaker of Tofu, I advocate for the health and wealth that dogs bring to a home. They are loyal, and kind in times of need, but playful and full of joy in times of happiness. Their adventurous spirits promote the longevity of life and proclivity of happiness, as my father would say, “day by day, walk by walk.” (Ayushi Srivastava Photography).



Ayushi Srivastava

Just a gal with a lot to say, hoping to make ripples in the world with her words.